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Basic White Bread – Easy Low Budget Recipe

Basic White Bread – Easy Low Budget Recipe

Yum Here is a basic white bread recipe that is easy, low budget and is gonna make you proud! I believe every person—baker or no baker—should experience making a loaf of bread at least once in life. Even though it may have been another gruelling Read more…

Leftover Oatmeal Biscuits: A War Time Recipe

Leftover Oatmeal Biscuits: A War Time Recipe

Yum Maybe it happens at your house every Sunday morning. No one manages to finish off the pot of porridge you made for breakfast and now it’s a congealed hunk of glop ready for the trash. But once you try this recipe for leftover oatmeal Read more…

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake – Light And Fluffy!

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake – Light And Fluffy!

Have you ever heard of Japanese cotton cheesecake? Some call it light cheesecake, others prefer jiggly cheesecake. Whatever the name, it’s basically a cross between a chiffon cake and a cheesecake. Though widely popular, this tantalizing hybrid hasn’t been around for that long. It wasn’t Read more…

Tuna Cakes (Fish & Potato Patties)

Tuna Cakes (Fish & Potato Patties)

If canned tuna or salmon is a staple in your kitchen and you’re planning to use it for the same old boring sandwiches, I urge you to try these easy fish cakes instead. Not only are they super satisfying and healthy, they are easy on Read more…

Panetonne ~ Italian Christmas Bread Made Easy

Panetonne ~ Italian Christmas Bread Made Easy

You see them on every grocery shelf when the holidays come around. That big, fluffy bread encased in pretty plastic that looks more like a dome than a loaf. If you’ve never tried panetonne, it’s a rich Italian bread that’s often freckled with candied fruit Read more…

Candied Orange Peels~Homemade Citron Recipe

Candied Orange Peels~Homemade Citron Recipe

When I was really young, I loved making candy, and this candied orange peel was one of my biggest hits. I used the peels from oranges and grapefruits, because we always had them. I loved that I could take something that we normally threw in Read more…

Tutti Frutti ~ Candied Green Papaya For Fruitcakes etc.

Tutti Frutti ~ Candied Green Papaya For Fruitcakes etc.

It’s amazing what you can do with some ingredients out there, and recently I learned that tutti frutti—that mixed candied fruit found in so many baked goods—is made of a fruit I thought was hopeless. What Is Tutti Frutti Made Of? Tutti frutti is made Read more…

DIY Ginger Ale ~ Made Fizzy with a Ginger Bug

DIY Ginger Ale ~ Made Fizzy with a Ginger Bug

When you first create a ginger bug soda starter to begin making your own lacto fermented sodas, what is the best kind to make first and why? Ginger ale! Ginger ale is the easiest homemade soda to make because it is so similar to making Read more…

Eight Reasons Your Fermented Pickles Aren’t Turning Out

Eight Reasons Your Fermented Pickles Aren’t Turning Out

Have you ever been there? You want to preserve your bumper crop of cucumbers by making pickles. You decide to try the fermented version and everything is going great. After a few days you see them bubbling–just what they should be doing. And when you Read more…

Homemade Corn Flakes Cereal

Homemade Corn Flakes Cereal

Did you know you can make your own homemade corn flakes cereal? I found a recipe on a blog called Always Order Dessert and when I tried it, I was thoroughly impressed! It works out to be more economical too. On average, it costs about Read more…