Scottish Shortbread

Scottish Shortbread

This shortbread recipe is unique from all the others I have ever made. I learned it when I was apprenticing in a pastry shop years ago as a culinary student, and it has stuck with me since. Unlike creaming softened butter with powdered sugar then Read more…

Super Soft Oven Baked Donuts

Super Soft Oven Baked Donuts

Many home bakers love to make donuts but are put off by the fact that you have to fry them. With this recipe, you can leave the deep fryer in the cupboard because these donuts are baked! Now you might be thinking, they can’t possibly Read more…

Old Fashioned Fudge~Traditional Recipe

Old Fashioned Fudge~Traditional Recipe

There are so many foolproof fudge recipes out there that I think many candy making enthusiasts may have forgotten that fudge is a science. If you’ve ever made a batch of fudge that didn’t set properly, you can probably relate. For this reason, recipe developers Read more…

Old World Apple Strudel

Old World Apple Strudel

This is my grandma’s recipe for apple strudel, and I call it Old World because well, this recipe is old. Ever since I could remember I watched my baba stretch out the dough to cover the entire table. It was paper thin, then she would Read more…

Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut Butter Cookies

This peanut butter cookie recipe is my favourite because they don’t turn out soft. Instead they have a tempting snap when you break them that gives away their slightly firm yet fudgy structure. They are by no means dry; the first few bites are crunchy Read more…

Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake

Old Fashioned Strawberry Shortcake

Sometimes when I make a dessert that turns out as pretty as my old fashioned strawberry shortcake, I have to set one up on the model stand and paint a picture of it. The fluffy dollops of whipped cream, the glittery jewel like highlights on Read more…

Extra Creamy Vanilla Frosting – Vanilla Buttercream

Extra Creamy Vanilla Frosting – Vanilla Buttercream

Are you looking for a vanilla frosting recipe that turns out extra creamy? Well this one not only delivers that, but it also turns out surprisingly light and fluffy. I say surprisingly because this is a buttercream frosting. While these can be very creamy, it’s Read more…

Biscuit Cake ~ Baked in a Pot on the Stove!

Biscuit Cake ~ Baked in a Pot on the Stove!

A biscuit cake is a cake made from finely crushed cookies. It is perhaps the easiest cake (that gets cooked) to make because there are only 2 remaining ingredients: milk and a leavener. If it doesn’t get easier than that, I am about to tell Read more…

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake – Light And Fluffy!

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake – Light And Fluffy!

Have you ever heard of Japanese cotton cheesecake? Some call it light cheesecake, others prefer jiggly cheesecake. Whatever the name, it’s basically a cross between a chiffon cake and a cheesecake. Though widely popular, this tantalizing hybrid hasn’t been around for that long. It wasn’t Read more…

Panetonne ~ Italian Christmas Bread Made Easy

Panetonne ~ Italian Christmas Bread Made Easy

You see them on every grocery shelf when the holidays come around. That big, fluffy bread encased in pretty plastic that looks more like a dome than a loaf. If you’ve never tried panetonne, it’s a rich Italian bread that’s often freckled with candied fruit Read more…