Cracker Jack

Cracker Jack
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My recipe for this classic candy tastes just like the real thing—the one that came in a box with a prize. Just recently it started coming in a bag and instead of a prize, you get a QR code that lets you play a baseball game online.

First, you have to make some popcorn. Stick to air or stove top popping. Avoid using microwave popcorn because it’s often loaded with junk the recipe doesn’t call for. Also, don’t use pre-popped corn. This is not only for the same reason as microwave but it’s never fresh enough.

Peanuts are the second star of this snack. I like salted because they heighten the molasses-caramel that comes next. If you have some with their red skins still intact, use them! These are the kind in real Cracker Jack.

Molasses is what makes Cracker Jack different from caramel popcorn. Stir the syrup constantly as it’s coming to a boil. When it does stop stirring and lower the heat to a simmer. Cook for only 3 minutes. If you cook it longer than that, the mixture will harden very quickly and you may not get all of your popcorn covered in time. Adding the baking soda after lightens the mixture and gives it an airier crunch, not unlike how peanut brittle is made.

Spend lots of time coating the popcorn with the mixture, utilizing your hands once it’s cool enough. Each puff of corn is a crazy chaotic shape and making sure each one is well coated takes time.

It’s important to roast the Cracker Jack at a lower oven setting (250F). This will ensure that the mixture dries thoroughly without burning. Also, stirring the Cracker Jack every 15 minutes will ensure an even distribution crunch among the whole mix, so do not skip this. Roasting will not only bring out all the flavors, it will make the coating crunchy.

When the Cracker Jack comes out of the oven, give it a final stir and allow it to cool completely. If there are large chunks, break them down. It’s best eaten the same day, but will keep well in an airtight container (in a cool dry place) for 3 or 4 days. The recipe can be easily doubled, tripled or even quadrupled. I’ve made this twice in the last 2 weeks and now that I am at the end of this post, I am going to make some more right now!

2 thoughts on “Cracker Jack”

  • Thanks for the info! I’ve been eating Cracker Jack’s since I was 5. I’m 69 now! 🙂 !!! I still love it! I love trying new recipes. Again, thank you so much. With covid-19, it’s a great way to kill time and treat yourself!! Keep up the great work!!!! Stay safe!
    John Wallace III

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