Grilled Lemonade

Grilled Lemonade

If you ask me, just the name of this drink sounds intriguing! When I told a friend about what my next video/blog post was about, he said, “But won’t grilling lemonade put out the flames?” Haha, so funny, Mr. B! But truthfully, grilled lemonade is Read more…

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Mexican chocolate dates as far back as the Aztecs, and oddly enough it was originally more sour than sweet. It was a highly prized commodity, and apparently the Spaniards are responsible for introducing it to Europe. It is somewhat more granular than regular chocolate, and Read more…

Lemon Lime Ginger Bug Soda

Lemon Lime Ginger Bug Soda

When I first started using a ginger bug, all I made was ginger ale. It only seems fitting, but ginger bug is not restricted to ginger ale. Any flavor soda can be carbonated with it. By steeping ingredients like sarsaparilla for root beer, tamarind for Read more…

Ginger Bug – Want To Make Homemade Soda Pop?

Ginger Bug – Want To Make Homemade Soda Pop?

Ginger bug might be one of the culinary world’s best kept secrets. Holistic lifestyle enthusiasts who have not heard of it are also intrigued. It’s a fermented blend of ginger, sugar and water that carbonates your beverages. Additionally, your homemade soda is a lacto fermented Read more…